Sunday, June 29, 2008

A couple of Concerts

We love going to outdoor concerts. Our favorite place for outdoor concerts is currently the Sandy Amphitheater. Maybe once a year or so we hit the Concert in the Parks series downtown at the Brigham Young Memorial Park.

Last week, we went to see a band called Fire on the Mountain. They call what they play "mountain music", I guess I would call it more in the blue-grass arena but that's just because I'm not a music aficionado.

They were good entertainers. You can tell they were used to crowds and working them over. It was a nice evening out.

The landscape photo of the water and lit stone is an example of the scenery in the park where the concert was held. I actually got out of my seat in the middle of the song when I saw this lighting. I just had to shoot the picture. This will make a nice calendar print for next year's calendar.

Last night at the Sandy Amphitheater we saw Richard Marx in concert. By far he is the best act we have seen there in the last couple of years. He still has his A-game, he still produces new music rather than riding on just hits of yesteryear and he works with the audience like calling us out for just sitting on our kiesters instead of getting on with the music.

The only downside is our little Ryan who we left with a baby-sitter and who had only slept 30 minutes all day would not go to sleep so we had to leave about 30 minutes before the end of the concert to take care of him. That's okay, because the concert was still great and we love our little guy. We would go see Richard Marx again if he came to the Amphitheater.

Oh, as an example of his presence, he mentioned that he doesn't mind if people take photos of him because he said that's what all entertainers want is to be paid attention to (nice candor). When he said this the guy in the picture to the left came running down like he just run the Showcase Showdown on the Price is Right and Richard Marx stopped to pose for him. Ha! Funny stuff.

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